GILPP Quarterly: Volume 1, Issue 1 Combating Human Trafficking

This inaugural issue of the GILPP Quarterly, titled “Combating Human Trafficking,” addresses the global challenge of human trafficking, particularly in conflict zones. It examines the roles of armed groups and opportunists in perpetuating trafficking and highlights international efforts, including UN resolutions and initiatives, to combat this crisis. Through expert insights and case studies, the publication emphasizes the importance of a human rights-based approach and cross-sector collaboration to protect and support victims, and to prevent trafficking on a global scale.

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GILPP Quarterly - Volume 2, Issue 1 - Building Cities that Promote Human Growth

Volume 2, Issue 1 Building Cities that Promote Human Growth

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GILPP Quarterly - Volume 1, Issue 2 - Supporting the Transition to Sustainable Agriculture

Volume 1, Issue 2 Supporting the Transition to Sustainable Agriculture

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