GILPP Quarterly

GILPP Quarterly - Volume 2, Issue 2 - How to Rebuild After a Conflict

Volume 2, Issue 2 How to Rebuild After a Conflict

This issue of the GILPP Quarterly, titled "How to Rebuild After a Conflict," delves into the complexities of post-conflict reconstruction, emphasizing the interdependence of peace and development. The publication explores various challenges, including rebuilding infrastructure, restoring trust, and engaging communities in the recovery process. Through case studies and expert analysis, the issue highlights the importance of tailored approaches, community participation, and the role of international support in fostering sustainable development in conflict-affected areas. The insights aim to equip leaders and practitioners with practical strategies to rebuild societies and promote long-term stability and peace.

GILPP Quarterly - Volume 2, Issue 1 - Building Cities that Promote Human Growth

Volume 2, Issue 1 Building Cities that Promote Human Growth

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GILPP Quarterly - Volume 1, Issue 2 - Supporting the Transition to Sustainable Agriculture

Volume 1, Issue 2 Supporting the Transition to Sustainable Agriculture

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